Smart Photo Editor

Ultra Sonic Recognition
AR365 USR is a custom application development that uses ultrasonic waves to tag real-world objects, places, and videos. The application is built using a simplified infrastructure to have enhanced peer-to-peer communication with users by only using ultrasonic waves. AR365 USR is designed to work with passive recognition where no user actions are required for the application to operate. Since no user interactions are necessary for the application to function, it is able to operate even when the smartphone is placed in a pocket or a handbag. AR 365 USR has the ability to track ultrasonic data embedded in TV advertisements and trigger promotional notifications to the smartphone. Moreover, tourist attraction points marked with ultrasonic tags can be pushed with related information to the user’s smartphone when the user is within the particular attraction area. AR 365 USR is available in both IOS and Android platforms.

AR365 RIR Rich Image Recognition

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